5 Safety Tips to Get Storm Ready: Tips, Preparation & Readiness



5 Tips to Get Storm Ready: Tips, Preparation & Readiness

Whether it’s a hurricane or a hurricane, it’s important to get storm ready. Although we hope that it will only a bit more rain and wind than usual, it’s always best to be prepared. We have put together five safety tips that will help you get storm ready.

“Prepare and prevent, don’t repair and repent.” – Unknown.

Storm Ready Safety Tip #1

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Storm Proof Your Home

Take care of your home and all who are inside. It will only take a few minutes to get your home storm ready:

  • Remove Potential Hazards. Any object that is left lying around outside could pose danger to you, your home or someone else. Secure loose items from the yard, remove dry tree branches and any loose or damaged parts of your home’s exterior.

  • Secure Windows and Place People & Pets indoors

  • Safely Unplug Electronics. Only turn on anything that is absolutely necessary. Remember that appliances that are turned off but remain plugged in may still be damaged.

  • Avoid contamination by storing poisons and garden chemicals above ground level.

Storm Ready Safety Tip #2

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Build a Home Emergency Safety Kit

Whether you live alone or with a large group, everyone should have a safety kit at home. The following are pertinent items to have in a safety kit that will help make you storm ready.

  • Three days of drinking water & non-perishable food for all members of the family including pets.

  • First aid kit & prescription medications

  • Radio, flashlight & batteries in case the power goes out.

  • Reusable tool & mess kit, multipurpose knife, matches & fire extinguisher.

  • Mobile phone with a spare battery

  • Sturdy Clothes including gloves, jacket, boots, hat, poncho & clean socks.

  • Sleeping bags & tent

  • Extra gas for your car.

  • Store important documents and money in a waterproof bag.

Storm Ready Safety Tip #3

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Have an Emergency Plan

During any emergency, it’s difficult to think clearly. Many people panic especially if they didn’t get storm ready. Having an emergency plan helps you maintain your composure and ensure that you and others act safely, according to the plan.

  • Find the safest places in your home.

  • Have the most important numbers on speed dial.

  • Learn how to safely turn off all utilities.

  • Have 2 – 3 “safe haven” meeting places that everyone agrees on. This way, if you or a lovely one gets separated, or if one of the destinations becomes flooded, they will know exactly where to meet you.

Storm Ready Safety Tip #4

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Get Everyone Ready

There is no use in putting together the previous three points if no one is informed about them. Take the time to inform everyone about how to best get storm ready to make sure the whole team knows what, when, where and how in the event of a storm or any other of emergency.

  • Assign a responsibility to each member.

  • Teach how to use the Home Emergency Safety Kit and when to use it.

  • Pop quiz and run drills to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the plan.

Storm Ready Safety Tip #5

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Know What to Do In Case of a Medical Emergency

If you ever find yourself or someone else in an emergency, visit the nearest Altus Emergency Center for immediate ER care. We are Storm Ready and well equipped to withstand any storm. We stay open, with doctors, staff, supplies and generators. It’s during those crucial moments that we are most ready to care for you and your family.


Know What to Do In Case of a Medical Emergency

If you ever find yourself or someone else in an emergency, visit the nearest Altus Emergency Center for immediate ER care. We are Storm Ready and well equipped to withstand any storm. We stay open, with doctors, staff, supplies and generators. It’s during those crucial moments that we are most ready to care for you and your family.


We offer the best freestanding 24 hour ER services in Texas. We have top of the line medical technology and highly experienced ER healthcare experts prepped and ready to come to your aid in Baytown, Lake Jackson, Lufkin, Lumberton and Waxahachie.

Each ER team is highly efficient in treating chest and abdominal pains, pediatric emergencies, flu symptoms, sports injuries, bone breaks and fractures, as well as all other major and minor injuries. All services are available 24/7, including weekends and holidays with little to no wait times.
