Tips for a Safe Halloween in 2021
We are so excited to have Halloween just around the corner! During 2021, we have been blessed by having access to the vaccine for COVID-19. While this has helped open up our social bubbles a bit more, we still should always keep in mind these commonsense tips for a safe Halloween.
So how can we celebrate Halloween safely?
Tips for a Safe Halloween
While last year, some counties banned door-to-door trick or treating over safety concerns. Others are strongly recommended that you skip the activity. This year, CDC director, Rochelle Walensky, stated:
“I certainly hope so,” Walensky said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” when asked whether it’s safe for children to go trick-or-treating this year. “If you’re able to be outdoors, absolutely,” she said.
The head of the CDC also recommended that parents and kids “limit crowds” on Halloween.
“I wouldn’t necessarily go to a crowded Halloween party, but I think that we should be able to let our kids go trick-or-treating in small groups,” Walensky said. “I hope that we can do that this year.”
Source: CNBC
So, the first thing you should do is to keep in mind the standard recommended safety guidelines.
Trick-or-treating is an outdoor activity and, therefore, safer as you have some control when it comes to physical distancing. An added plus is you can work in a fun face mask into your child’s costume.
If you decide to trick or treat this year, here are some tips to protect your family from COVID-19
- Don’t replace your face covering with a Halloween mask. Specially made fabric or surgical masks work better at preventing the spread of the virus. Most of the materials used in Halloween masks are not be enough to prevent viral transmission.
- Parents should line their children and only have one child at the door at a time. By avoiding gatherings at your neighbor’s door, you can help keep everyone safe
- Local health authorities recommend you stay close to home and keep your trick or treating party small. You should avoid going to neighborhoods where you are not sure how the virus is spreading
- Encourage children to bring hand sanitizer and use it frequently as they are more likely to touch their face while adjusting their costume
- Once you arrive home, the first thing to do is have everyone wash their hands with soap and water
- Don’t let your children eat any of the treats before you get home. Their hands may be dirty, and this increased their risk of getting sick not only with COVID-19 but also with the flu or stomach
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General Safety Tips for Trick Or Treating
If your child has an allergic reaction, please don’t hesitate, bring them to the nearest Altus Emergency Center as soon as possible.
Halloween is a fun time for everyone in the family. Even though we may need to celebrate differently this year, Halloween can still be a joyous occasion if we follow the safety recommendations.
Although COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind these days, it is not the only health concern this time of year. Flu season is about to start, and if not treated, it could cause severe illness and complications.
If you or your child are not feeling well, it’s best to stay home. If you notice symptoms are getting worse, visit the nearest Altus Emergency Center, so our doctors can evaluate your symptoms and help you recover.[/vc_column_text][us_image image=”22888″ size=”full”][vc_column_text]
Safe Alternative for Halloween!
If you are looking for a safe alternative for trick-or-treating in 2021? We welcome you to come to our FREE Trick-Or-Treat Drive Through Events! It’s a great opportunity to get free candy safely by Halloween personalities. Just Drive Through with your car or broomstick, no need to even get out!
We encourage that you fly off to tell your friends! The more, the scarier![/vc_column_text][us_image image=”22886″ size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row]