Waxahachie December Employee Spotlight – Keri Chiles


An Interview with the Waxahachie Registration Clerk, Keri Chiles

Waxahachie December Employee Spotlight

In December, our employee highlight for Altus Emergency Waxahachie is Keri Chiles, who is the first smiling face you get to see as soon as you walk through the doors. During the moments of a medical emergency, time is crucial. This is why the job of a registration clerk is pivotal. They help ensure that you get swift attention the moment you walk in through the door.

Here are a few details about what Keri Chiles is like:

The December Employee spotlight is the latest in the series of Altus Emergency Lake Jackson Staff articles dedicated to the amazing people behind what is #TeamAltus.[/vc_column_text][us_separator size=”small”][vc_row_inner content_placement=”middle” columns_type=”” columns_reverse=”” ignore_columns_stacking=””][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Q. How long have you been a registration clerk?
A. Almost 4 years!

Q. What is your Favorite Restaurant?
A. Anything Mexican food

Q. What can you not resist?
A. Coffee and chocolate

Q. An ability you wish you had?
A. A photographic memory.

Q. Favorite Movie?
A. Sweet Home Alabama.

Q. Favorite music?
A. Anything Country.

Q. Favorite part of working at Altus?
A. My coworkers.

Q. What are you thankful for?
A. My family and the Jeep community

Q. Do you have any New Years’ resolutions?
A. Travel more!

Thank you, Keri Chiles for all that you do!

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