Altus ERs Give Away Free Snowcones to Kick Off Spring Break


Altus ERs Kick Off Spring Break with Free Snowcones

Altus ERs Give Away Free Snowcones When They Are Needed the most: Spring Break!

LUMBERTON, TX (March 25, 2016) — As students celebrated a long-awaited Spring Break, Altus Emergency Centers joined in the fun by offering free snowcones!

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“Each Altus Emergency Center location gives back to the very communities that have gone above and beyond in supporting us throughout the years,” said Garrett Syphrett, Vice President of Operations and Development.

“All three Altus Emergency Centers hosted a Snow Cone Day during their respective school’s Spring Breaks, offering free snow cones to both children and adults”, Syphrett said.

“However, with the recent river flooding in Southeast Texas, the Lumberton staff turned their Snow Cone Day into an impromptu donation station for the area shelters housing those displaced due to rising water. During the two-hour event, we collected clothing, water, food and monetary donations for flood victims.”

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VICE PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]

Altus ERs Give Away Free Snowcones

Altus Emergency Center also donated 25 cases of our labeled bottle of water as well.
In addition to the three facilities in Lumberton, Baytown and Lake Jackson; Altus Emergency Centers, a leading provider in high-quality emergency healthcare, is opening a Lufkin location this summer and a Waxahachie facility in winter.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]